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Effective Ways to Promote Your Website and Expand Your Business

Creating a website is one of the most critical steps toward small business success in today's world. It's a prerequisite for establishing an online presence and expanding your business.

When people visit your website, you have the opportunity to learn more about them and potentially convert them into an advocate, partner, or client. It's a victory if any of these things happen. Now, how do you get visitors to your website?

Using Digitalapss’s all-in-one marketing platform, you can seamlessly promote your website across all your marketing channels. Try these 5 approaches to drive site traffic.

1. Optimize your website for organic search

When someone types a word or sentence into a search engine to find a website, several business relationships are created. That's what we call organic search at work. It's easier to attract more visitors if you know what search terms people are currently using to find your website.

These terms might be specific to you, such as a brand or product name. Or, they can be attributes or benefits like “all-natural,” “free delivery,” or something else that sets you apart.

You can see what terms your website visitors used to find you in the past using Google Analytics, and use those keywords to help you optimize your website content. Examining the terms your competitors use on their websites, in social media, and in emails can also be instructive.

Another free tool you can use is Google Search Console to see how often your website appears in search results, which search terms drive the most traffic, and how many people click on your site in search results.

Do this, and you’ll be on your way to search engine optimization (SEO). These tips can help you do your best work.

Make your website easy to find. Make sure your site has detailed descriptions of your products and services, so search engines like Google and Bing can find them. Make a descriptive SEO title for your website as well. This is something you can add to your website as you go along, and it gives people another way to find you.

Leverage your website content. Blog posts, articles, audience testimonials, and other content helps improve your search rankings and brings visitors to your website.

Optimize your visuals. While search engines are much better at indexing words than visual elements, images and videos that are optimized for mobile viewing can help boost your Google ranking. Also, make sure that each image has a short alt text description to provide a text alternative for the search engine to interpret.

2. Greet visitors with a targeted landing page

Sending a website visitor to a dedicated landing page with exactly what they're looking for encourages them to interact with your site and, eventually, your company. Create pages that highlight content that is tailored to the preferences of website visitors using audience data. This might be a special promotion based on the posts someone’s been reading or updates on new features of a product they’ve been researching.

By creating tags for your contacts, you can incorporate personalized messaging into your ongoing marketing. A contact's tag is a label that can be used to inform the content you serve them when they visit, ensuring that it is appropriate.

You should create a tag for a landing page with a signup form so that anyone who joins your audience there is tagged for future personalized email outreach. Tags make it simple to send targeted emails, such as automated welcome emails for new subscribers or a series of campaigns highlighting links to content on your website.

3. Promote your site with digital ads

You've probably seen them all over the internet: advertisements for everything from online courses to sunglasses and everything in between. These advertisements are known as digital or banner advertising, and they are used to direct traffic to a website or a campaign-specific landing page. Even if you’ve never clicked on one yourself, they work because they can be placed on websites or blogs that attract a specific audience, like home project DIYers or outdoor enthusiasts.

Digital advertising on websites like Facebook and apps like Instagram can be targeted to highly specific demographics, such as age, gender, interests, and educational level. The information you have on your website's visitors' activities, such as what pages or products they looked at and when will help you easily create and manage ads that target people who are looking for what you have to offer.

You may want a consultant or an agency to help with things like paid media strategy and where to place your ads, how long to run them, what kind of results to expect from a campaign, and how to improve their performance over time.

4. Drive traffic to your website with email

Email marketing is a tried-and-true method of driving traffic. Email can be a great way to target and inform your audience, as well as direct them to specific pages on your website. Email promotions are divided into two types.

Useful information and promotions, such as sales or events, can be included in email newsletters. They would entice people to visit your website in order to read an article or take advantage of a deal. While they may not bring in a large number of new website visitors, they can be an effective way to generate visits and sales from your most loyal customers.

Promotional emails can highlight specific sales or events. For example, you might promote a wine tasting or a trunk show in your store, or a new video you’ve posted.

In both cases, you can segment your email audience based on data to send tailored versions of your newsletter or offer to the most receptive segments.

5. Engage your audience on social media

You may be using social media to share the same types of content that you have on your websites, such as articles, photographs, or special offers. Did you know that social media will help you drive traffic to your website in addition to amplifying your message? If your website promotes e-commerce, for example, you can use social media to advertise a sale and drive traffic to it.

A key is selecting the social channel that works best for your message—and that you can manage effectively. This will vary, depending on your business model and the audience you want to target. For example, LinkedIn is a good choice if you want to promote a white paper or webinar to a professional audience, while Instagram lends itself more to visuals, like product imagery.

No matter where you post, make sure that you drive users to targeted pages, so there’s a clear connection between what they saw in the social post and the link they click on, notes Jon. “Your homepage is designed for a broad audience, so be specific with your landing pages.”

It’s worth the effort

Every small business owner is busy, but making time to promote your website is important. “You can have the best website in the world, but if you don’t drive traffic to it, no one will know how great the site—or your company—is,” says Ellie. “It’s an essential part of growing your business, and it will pay off.”


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